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WP8: Impact

What: definition of Impact
The impact in this WP will be defined as the set of externalities (positive and negative) that deliberative democratic processes can generate in territory. In the WP will measure different types of impact, social, economic, environmental, cultural, etc.

How: quali-quantitative approach
The benefits of a methodological integration derive from the possibility of evaluating the outcomes and the perception of different choices on the residents' daily life, the positive and negative experiences on site and the behaviors within the local scale.

Main output: creation of a EURARENAS Index (EURARI) based on a codebook consisting in a set of quantitative and qualitative indicators, which assess existing conditions of the urban areas involved as well as evaluating the impact produced by the experimentations.


RT 8.1 Selection of the indicators based on a multitude of sources. The objective is to analyze the literature, previous experiences and the project characteristics in order to develop an objective index for the measurement of the conditions for a democratic co-governance.

RT 8.2 Definition of EUARENAS index (EUARI). The selection will allow the creation of a tailored index which will allow to measure the territorial conditions for the achievements of the project. Hence, a new and original index (EUARI) will be defined.

RT 8.3 Internal integration. The definition of impact needs to apply also to the internal activities of the project. Therefore, it will define a list of indicators which will support the monitoring of the activities.

RT 8.4 Monitoring. During the implementation, the team will monitor the advancement of the activities and if they follow the schedule and ensure the expected results.

RT 8.5 External monitoting. In order to evaluate the progress of the project an analysis of similar experiences and public directives will be evaluated to define a framework of analysis.

RT 8.6 Pilot evaluation. The performance evaluation framework will be applied to the pilots, enabling to evaluate the direct and direct impact of the activities proposed by the project.

Division of Work and Interconnections

Integration: WP8 shall be closely integrated with:

- WP4, the integration to promote a co-creation and evaluation of the Pilots activities

- WP9, report back some finding of the project to the managment.

- WP3, WP5, WP6 and WP7, collect needed data

Lead partner is Luiss, co-lead is CRN. They will work with the consortium and cooperation partners in developing community-based assessment methods adopted, facilitating the work of the pilot stakeholder groups to maximize the impact of the projects' results through collaborative visualization and digital dissemination of the outputs.



D8.1 Analysis of the status-quo and the main characteristics of the territory




D8.3 Monitoring report of the activities
D8.4 Report of the direct/indirect outcomes on the project
D8.5 Validation seminar in conjunction with the final project conference
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