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Stakeholders’ Inclusion Guidelines


The Stakeholders’ Inclusion Guidelines have been elaborated to foster diversity, engagement, inclusion, and influence during the implementation of case studies and pilot experiences. The need for the tools therein included sprouts from the awareness that, if such characters are not nurtured to an adequate degree, the impact of any democratic initiative may be diminished. Lack of involvement of decision makers, not collecting feedbacks from participants or exploiting inadequate facilities may ultimately taint the stakeholders’ perception of the pursued activities.

Thus, the guidelines begin by distinguishing the actors involved in the project according to the “frame” to which they belong, may it be political, social, economic or knowledge related. By thoroughly assessing the progresses performed during the EUARENAS' third Project Workshop held in Helsinki in November 2021, the LUISS team with the support of the consortium isolated several best practices that shall allow for the involvement of each segment of the population. Such solutions have hence been grouped according to the precise goal they seek to attain:

  • including a diverse and broad spectrum of participants (Diversity);

  • ensuring active participation among the involved actors (Engagement);

  • guarantee equal treatment for each different perspective (Inclusion);

  • positively affecting policy-makers’ activities (Influence).

Subsequently, the Inclusion Guidelines also provide a set of “Useful Techniques” that have been designed according to the Center for Universal Design in North Caroline State University’s seven principles for universal design. They constitute a valuable asset for EUARENAS researchers to organize the activities related to the Pilot Project Cycle as well as further including specific groups of stakeholders.

Finally, the document includes a self-evaluation box that has been filled by the participants in the Helsinki meeting. It allows for a critical reflection concerned with which techniques and methods have been applied with more frequency and success, and which ones are yet to be adequately experimented with. The toolbox will still be continuously supplemented by the exchange of information and knowledge during the fieldwork performed contextually to work packages Case Studies, Piloting and Foresight (WPs 3, 4, 5 respectively).

You can get the Inclusion Guidelines here.


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