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Cities as Drivers of Democracy in Europe - EUARENAS Final Event (Agenda Now Available)

The EUARENAS consortium is pleased to announce the project's final event on "Cities as Drivers of Deliberative and Participatory Democracy in Europe", to be held in Berlin on October 2nd, 2024.

Details At a Glance

WHEN: October 2nd, 2024

WHERE: House of the European Commission, Berlin

WHO CAN ATTEND: The event is open to all. Register here!

Agenda Now Available!

The full agenda for the event is now available. Stay tuned for speaker announcements and further details coming soon!

About The Event

There is widespread concern over the state and future of democracy in Europe and beyond. Participatory and deliberative practices are seen to potentially improve democratic process by complementing traditional, representative modes and by bringing political decision-making processes closer to the citizens.

Our aim with this conference is to showcase, share and discuss the results of almost 4 years of (action) research on participatory and deliberative practices in European urban settings. We invite activists, practitioners, citizens, policy-makers and elected representatives from local, national and European levels to express and share your experiences, questions and challenges on making participation and deliberation an integral and valuable element in European democratic process. Our main question for this day is: how can we nurture active citizenship, social agendas and political life through citizen participation and democratic innovations in European cities?

What Can You Expect?

  • Fireside chat and panels discussing participatory/deliberative practices and democratic innovations

  • Presentation of EUARENAS' key project results

  • Showcasing the EUARENAS pilots: Gdansk (Poland), Reggio Emilia (Italy), and Voru (Estonia)

  • Policy messages for decision-makers and practitioners

  • Interactive sessions with key actors in participatory democracy

Why Should You Attend?

  • Interdisciplinary Approach: The conference will bring together an impressive lineup of speakers in the fields of social studies, urban development, law, and more.

  • Networking: Meet professionals, policy makers, and opinion leaders in the field and open doors for future collaboration and research.

  • Interactive Sessions: Engage in meaningful dialogues designed to stimulate critical thinking and practical solutions.

  • Inclusiveness: The conference is designed to be accessible and open to all, making for a richer, more diverse dialogue.

  • Resources: Participants will have the opportunity to acquaint themselves with a range of tools, guides, and other resources developed and tested in EUARENAS.


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