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Call For Abstracts – Urban Climate Justice Day

Reggio Emilia – 13th May 2022

In the context of the 4th EUARENAS Project Workshop, hosted by the Municipality of Reggio Emilia, a Call For Abstracts has been launched to gather the work of Early Career Researchers (MPhil and PhD researchers, recent PhD graduates). It embraces a multi-disciplinary approach and welcome abstracts in any disciplinary field as long as it addresses the topic of climate justice in cities, for example: law; political science; ecological economics; urban economy; urban sociology; urban geography; technology studies; urban planning; engineering.

The Urban Climate Justice Day

Held on the 3rd day of the EUARENAS Project Workshop, the Urban Climate Justice Day will give the opportunity to talented selected Early Career Researcher to present their work.

The objective of the Urban Climate Justice Day is to enable the cooperation between various actors involved in the production processes of climate transition policies at various levels of governance – European and urban – with scholars and citizens. The discussion will allow to analyse the critical points and expose innovative solutions.

The selected presenters will present their contributions orally at a number of parallel sessions chaired by senior academics and practitioners. This will be a valuable opportunity for ECRs to share their ideas in a supportive and vigorous environment and to benefit from the engaged appraisals of senior academics and practitioners.

Participants for the Young scholars Panel session will be selected on the basis of submitted abstracts of no more than 300 words in length. Each abstract should clearly explain the issue or argument that the researcher intends to speak on at the conference. A maximum of 6 abstracts will be selected for presentation. The authors of each selected abstracts will be able to present their contribution in oral form through a presentation of approximately 10 minutes.

The evaluation of abstracts will be conducted by a dedicated Scientific Committee (Caroline Nevejan, Sheila Foster, Elias Carayannis, Harini Nagendra, EUARENAS representatives such as James Scott, Christian Iaione, Luna Kappler, Stanislaw Domaniewski, Wojciech Ufel).

All abstracts must be submitted by 8th April 2022 to be evaluated.

You can find more information about the Call for Abstracts here!


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